يكشنبه 2 دي 1403.


شرکت M.I.O.C

متخصص در زمینه واردات لوازم نفت ، گاز ، پتروشیمی

تلفن همراه : 09125198849
ایمیل : info@mi-oc.com

Bently Nevada 24765-01-00 (کد: )

رتبه بندی کاربران:
برند : BENTLY Nevada
7 روز ضمانت تعویض

Thermal Case Growth Measurements in Large Turbines

Case expansion is a parameter that you should use a dual transducer arrangement to measure. This arrangement provides information about the position of the sliding feet on the machine case. A condition that obstructs or jams one foot could distort the case and damage the machine. The dual case expansion transducer configuration in conjunction with the 3300 or 3500 monitors provides an alarm for this condition. The high temperature dual case expansion transducer configuration is compatible only with the 3500/45 Position Monitor.

How a Case Expansion Transducer Works

The case expansion transducer system uses the LVDT to measure the machine case thermal growth A rod on the LVDT connects to the machine. As the machine case grows, the rod moves inside the LVDT and changes the signal in the LVDT. The transducer electronically conditions the signal and outputs it to a monitor for display and alarms The High Temperature Case Expansion Transducer is designed to meet TYPE 4 requirements.


Thermal Case Growth Measurements in Large Turbines

Case expansion is a parameter that you should use a dual transducer arrangement to measure. This arrangement provides information about the position of the sliding feet on the machine case. A condition that obstructs or jams one foot could distort the case and damage the machine. The dual case expansion transducer configuration in conjunction with the 3300 or 3500 monitors provides an alarm for this condition. The high temperature dual case expansion transducer configuration is compatible only with the 3500/45 Position Monitor.

How a Case Expansion Transducer Works

The case expansion transducer system uses the LVDT to measure the machine case thermal growth A rod on the LVDT connects to the machine. As the machine case grows, the rod moves inside the LVDT and changes the signal in the LVDT. The transducer electronically conditions the signal and outputs it to a monitor for display and alarms The High Temperature Case Expansion Transducer is designed to meet TYPE 4 requirements.


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تهران ، تهرانسر ، بلوار نیلوفر
شماره 11 ، شرکت تجهیزات سنجش نفت کالا
تهران ایران

تلفن : 44510402-21-98

تلفن همراه :09125198849     

ایمیل :  info@mi-oc.com

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