يكشنبه 2 دي 1403.


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تلفن همراه : 09125198849
ایمیل : info@mi-oc.com

WIKA Pressure Transmiter Type A10-12726631 (کد: )

رتبه بندی کاربران:
برند : WIKA
7 روز ضمانت تعویض

The WIKA A-10 pressure transmitter is precision engineered and manufactured to fit many industrial and OEM pressure measurement applications The rugged design provides resistance to vibration,shock,wide temperature variations, RFI and other extreme environmental conditions that are typical of industrial and OEM applications. Performance and reliability is enhanced by the all stainless steel welded measuring cell that eliminates the need for soft. Sealing materials that may deteriorate over time The state of the art manufacturing and assembl process increases the long term reliability of the A-10 Primary applications include process control and automation,hydraulics,pneumatics and machine controls.pressure range of this model is from 0 to 15 PSI up to 0 to 10.000 PSI with non-linearity 0.5 % BFSL that it can be 0.25 % in optional code too 




The WIKA A-10 pressure transmitter is precision engineered and manufactured to fit many industrial and OEM pressure measurement applications The rugged design provides resistance to vibration,shock,wide temperature variations, RFI and other extreme environmental conditions that are typical of industrial and OEM applications. Performance and reliability is enhanced by the all stainless steel welded measuring cell that eliminates the need for soft. Sealing materials that may deteriorate over time The state of the art manufacturing and assembl process increases the long term reliability of the A-10 Primary applications include process control and automation,hydraulics,pneumatics and machine controls.pressure range of this model is from 0 to 15 PSI up to 0 to 10.000 PSI with non-linearity 0.5 % BFSL that it can be 0.25 % in optional code too 




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تلفن : 44510402-21-98

تلفن همراه :09125198849     

ایمیل :  info@mi-oc.com

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